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Project Slammin is a physics based, multiplayer 2D fighting game I worked on with a group of other students while I attended Tafe. Project Slammin is a project I would consider relatively complete, it could use a lot of improvements and content but is fun and playable.

I was the project lead for this project.

we had a team of 4, I was responsible Programming, Level Deign, Setup, Animating etc. The other 3 team members did the Art, Audio and the Main Menu Design.

A goal we where aiming for when developing the concept for this project was for it to be comedic and a bit crazy, this is why we made some of the design choices we did:

  • Physics Based: Having a physics based game was the core part of the project. We wanted characters flying all over the screen and falling over. When the characters died we also wanted them to fall apart into all their different limbs which would be effected by physics

  • Character Design: We wanted some crazy characters. The projects artist came up with some concept designed and after some iteration he came up with a Banana Ninja and a Robotic Laser firing Dolphin.

  • Robot (middle): This was our first test character, it was sources online. This character had 2 attacks: Punch and Headbutt

  • BananaNinja (left): This was our second character, designed and draw my the teams artist. This character had 2 attacks: Punch and Thrust.

  • Robot Dolphin (Right): This was the the final character for the project and again was drawn by the teams artist. This character could shoot Lasers out of its eye and do a kick while in the air.

  • Multiplayer: I had experience with the Photon Network which made multiplayer the main focus in the game. Every time I got a new build together for testing, we often had play tests with half a dozen people from the class playing all at once.

  • Physics Based: The game being Physics Based was the core part of the movement of characters. Meaning aswell as the characters being knocked back they could also be knocked over on their side have have to get back up because of the rotational physics.

  • Character Variety: We wanted all the character to be unique, so I had to design a system that can be modified and changed so each characters attacks can be very different to each other without having to rewrite the whole script. So I used a basic inheritance system which could be modified to suit each character and their variety of attacks.

  • Power Ups: There where also a variety of different power ups through out the level: Jump Pads, Health Pads, Damage Pads and Teleporters which all had to be synced over the network.

  • Damage Indicators: Just basic damage indicators that would change colour depending on the amount of damage done. They would display green if you were healed.

  • Objects: Creates were scattered around the level for characters to jump on and push around. These also had to be server side so they where in the same position for all clients.

  • Health and Name UI: The health and the name of the player was displayed above the character.

  • Jumping: Characters could single jump and double jump depending on their stats. Because of the physics system this might cause they to fall over or do flips.

Locomotion State Machine Layer

Attack State Machine Layer

Code snippets from the project, keep in-mind that this is something I wrote back in 2015, so my skills and knowledge

in both general programming and network programming have greatly improved.

Click on the images to see a brief description of the code.

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